Missing & Lost
If you sold an item to the trade terminal we, at support, can recreate this item for you. However, we charge a fee of 1000 PED (plus TT-value when applicable) for this service.
Please contact support and make sure that you have the necessary funds available on your PED-card. We kindly ask you to include relevant information such as the full name of the item and approximate time of the incident.
If you are missing an item we suggest to check the following places before contacting support:
- Check the "My items" list on our homepage (require that you log in to your account page)
- Check at the bottom of your inventory tabs, sometimes the items are further down in the inventory window
- Check storage and containers. Please note that storage is planet specific, so if you recently visited a different planet it may be there.
- If you have more than 500 items in one planetary storage some items may not be displayed. In this case try to merge your stacks using the right click option Merge All Stacks, organise items in storage boxes or e.g. use vehicle inventories as storage containers.
- In the case of an amplifier, please check so it's not attached to any of your weapons/tools.
If you still are unable to find your item we suggest that you contact support by sending in a case. Kindly add relevant information such as the full name of the items and approximate time of when you saw the item last. Please note that the Support Department only can search for lost items as far back as 6 months.