When experiencing Crash to Desktop and/or abnormal termination of the software, it really helps us when you submit an error report by clicking the ok button after the error message. Such reports helps us find out more about the cause of the error.

We therefore kindly ask you to carefully check the information below to see whether you can find any tips which can help you resolve the situation.

  • Make sure your system meets the requirements posted here:

Note: If you are not sure how your computer is configured, you can run dxdiag which is a small Microsoft utility included with DirectX. This utility will enable you to display information concerning your system. You start the utility by pressing the keys CTRL + R on your keyboard or by choosing “Run" from the Start - menu and type "dxdiag” in the dialog box. Click the Ok button.

  • Make sure you have the latest drivers for your graphic and sound cards. These can be found on your card manufacturer’s homepage. Please also make sure that you have installed the latest version of DirectX, you can download the latest version of DirectX from this link

  • You can also try to enable the option "Safe mode" in the Tools window accessible through the button in the lower right corner of the Client Loader. If you login without crashes after this, try to raise your settings one step at the time until you find a setting that works on your computer. This will help if your crash issues are caused by your hardware not coping entirely.

  • Make sure that you are not running any other bandwidth consuming software simultaneously with Entropia Universe, such as instant messenger programs or any type of network performance software such as Windows Network Booster. Other examples are Printer software that may sit in the system tray and communicate with your printer, including LEXMARK, and Net Nanny and similar Net-surfing, monitoring products. Also try to run Entropia Universe with your Antivirus software disabled. Or update your antivirus or change to a different antivirus software.

For more information on common problems please check the FAQ section of the website. Also, please try asking other participants and check out Entropia Universe related community sites.

If you are not able to resolve your issue by going through the check list mentioned above you are welcome to contact us again. Please then provide us with dxdiag text file, as described above.